11 Day Ayahuasca Retreat Colombia

With Jo Aya, Olimpia Zajac and Francesco Pariset

February 2 - 11, 2025

Date and Time Details: Your flight arrival into Bogotá should be anytime on or before the 1st of February 2025. On the 2nd of February 2025 we will fly into Villagarzon from Bogotá on Satena Airlines. On the 11th of February 2025 we will fly into Bogotá from Villagarzon on Satena Airlines. Your flight departure from Bogotá should be anytime on or after the 12th of February 2025 Approximate cost of internal flights is 70 € each way On the night of the 1st of February and on the night of the 11th of February we will stay in the Hotel Habitel Select located close to Bogota airport and the cost is approximately 40 € per person per night for a shared room. All of these logistics will be discussed and any questions will be answered in a WhatsApp group which will be formed prior to the trip.

Location: Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia

Address: Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia

Contact: The team
+353 (0)87 104 5961

Testimonials: “I embarked on this journey fealful and uncertain of what awaited in the jungle. As I journeyed within, the Ayayni team were always by my side, holding space and facilitating my healing. I never felt alone and the team displayed patience, compassion and love in abundance that kept me safe” “This trip was an incredibly heart opening, mind transforming yet challenging experience. I met some truly inspirational people and felt safe and supported the whole time”

  • €2,400.00 – 11 Day Ayahuasca Retreat

Putumayo has an indescribable energy with its deep, dark nights and the relentless sound of the many nocturnal insects, frogs and birds. Here, the essence of exchange between ourselves and mother nature is alive, it vibrates from the soil, and invites you to become a part of the massive expansion that is taking place on this planet, right now.


Old Mocoa is our destination and this village lies in the Sibundoy Valley in High Putumayo. Putumayo literally means gushing river in the Quechua language and, as its name suggests,the Putumayo River is one of the main tributaries of the Amazon. Here, the medicine men and women are referred to as Taitas and Maimas (father and mother) and we will be drinking the medicine with the Taitas and Maimas of different ethnic backgrounds including the Inga,Kametsa & Cofán tribes. The Ayayni facilitators will also be assisting in the ceremonies and we take great pleasure in inviting you to share your process with us, just as we will share ours with you, during the 11 days and 10 nights that we will be there.

On the fifth day of our trip, we will go to the Yunguillo Indigenous Reserve, where we have been invited by the Taitas of Inga roots, to share a very special experience there. Yunguillo is the home of the Inga community who fought for over 20 years, along with the Amazon Conservation Team, to protect this territory from deforestation and mining and we have the
honour of being invited into their home.

During the ceremonies the maloka becomes our anchor, a safe haven in a world of immense energy. The hypnotic sounds the Taitas produce is an essential ingredient and is unique to this part of the Amazon, and many laborious hours are spent engrossed in this important and symbolic ritual.  Maracas, harmonica, flute and cascabels are used to varying degrees by the Taitas and their apprentices. These sounds vibrate beneath the skin quite intensely during these long nights around the fire, as the senses are heightened when drinking yagé.

The waira (translated as wind plant) is made from leaves of local bushes to represent the union of the winds.  Specifically, it is used for cleansing and blessing the yagé, but is also used throughout the whole ceremony as a percussive instrument, keeping a steady rhythm.  Throughout the night you may hear the hushed indigenous sounds of the Taita talking with his apprentice and you will enjoy their seeming babble and chuckles. Once the ceremony has settled and the majority of the purging has subsided, the Taita may decide to impart some of his spiritual wisdom whilst talking in sing-song tones and sharing jokes. This is not random but rather a way of bringing the participant back to the calmness of reality and the sense of warmth and healing around the fire. Both in these wee hours, as well as when the ceremony is at its most intense, their presence is appreciated.



About the Leaders

Jo Aya

Jo believes that, in combination with the powerful ceremonies that are held at Ayayni, integration is extremely important for those who come. Her integration sessions are aimed at providing support for those who want to move into a space of freedom which can only occur when one learns how to become responsible for oneself. Since […]

Learn more about Jo Aya

Olimpia Zajac

Olimpia Zajac  started with the Taitas  of Putumayo in 2012 and has been on her healing path ever since. During this time, she has connected more and more with the medicine and the music that she produces through this connection. She is self- taught and has been playing the guitar and singing since she was […]

Learn more about Olimpia Zajac

Francesco Pariset

Francesco Pariset is a seasoned Medicine Musician, living in Colombia for the last  8 years, learning the traditions of the sacred Yagé.  His incredible guitar and penetrating voice is a powerful presence during the ceremonies.  He will also be arranging everything in our day to day to ensure that everything from the service at the […]

Learn more about Francesco Pariset